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Homework updated Daily at 6:00PM

Areas of Homework:

  • Unfinished Work — Having provided ample time in class for a particular task, those students who do not complete the task may be given the work as additional homework.

  • Reinforcement — Upon completion of a lesson taught in class, homework is assigned which provides reinforcement for the subject area or practice of a particular skill.

  • Projects — Projects are a good educational opportunity for students to learn organizational and research skills while at the same time providing enrichment of a particular subject area.

Grade 5A Homework

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

  • Math:  journey page 19 #1-13 due Wednesday
  • Science:  Chapter 5.1 &5.2 questions (check google classroom) due Wednesday
  • Reading Group: Eagles (read chapter 3 & 4; do questions) and Harry Potter (title page and prediction) due Wednesday
  • PE


Monday, October 21, 2024

  • Writing:  Halloween good copy due Tuesday
  • Math:  4 times mad minute drill on Tuesday
  • Math:  Journey page 18 #1-9 due Tuesday
  • Social Studies:  Longitude page 5 & 6 due Tuesday
  • Reading Group:  Dragons (chapter 3 & 4; summaries) and Scooby Doo (chapter 3 & 4; questions/ summary) due Tuesday


October 18, 2024

  • Math:  study four times table for Monday's mad minute drill
  • Handwriting:  pages 6 & 7 due Monday
  • Art:  finish and colour rough draft of card due Monday
  • Reading Group:  Eagles (read chapter 1 & 2; complete activity) and Harry Potter (complete good copy of Myth) Due Monday


October 17, 2024

  • Math:  math makes sense pg. 46-47 #10,11,12,13,15 due Friday
  • Grammar:  Language Power (nouns) pages 27 & 28 due Friday
  • Religion:  Chapter 10 questions, review and crossword due Friday
  • Science:  lung experiment title page and write up (google classroom) due Friday
  • PE


October 16, 2024

  • Math:  math makes sense pages 45-46 #1,3,6,7,8,9 due Thursday
  • Reading Groups:  Dragons (read chapters 1 & 2; summarize and question activity) and Scooby Doo (read chapters 1 & 2; summarize and question activity) due Thursday
  • Science:  lung experiment write up (google classroom) and title page due Friday


October 15, 2024

  • Math:  study 4 times table for mad minute drill
  • Science:  Chapter 4 quiz tomorrow (Digestive and Respiratory Systems)
  • Religion:  Chapter 10 questions (check google classroom) due Wednesday
  • Wear PE for tomorrow
  • Reading Group:  Eagles (title page and prediction to Dexter the Tough) and Harry Potter (check notes for final assignment)


October 10, 2024

  • Math:  journey pg 15 #1-15 (check google classroom) due Tuesday
  • Reading Group:  (Dragons and Scooby Doo); title page and prediction due Tuesday
  • Mad Minute 4 times table on Tuesday
  • Science Chapter 4 Quiz on Wednesday
  • Handwriting pages 3,4,5 due Tuesday
  • No School on Friday and Monday; Happy Thanksgiving!! 


October 9, 2024

  • Social Studies:  Latitude booklet page 1-3 due Thursday
  • Science:  bring plastic bottle (about 500ml) to school; remember the base needs to be durable; please bring by Thursday
  • Spelling:  Unit 4 test (Thursday)
  • Reading Groups (Eagles and Harry Potter) assignment due/ meet on Thursday

October 7, 2024

  • Math:  journey sheet pg. 14 #1-13 (check google classroom) due Wednesday
  • Social Studies:  My Community map (good copy) due Wednesday
  • Spelling:  Unit 4 Activities due Wednesday
  • Spelling:  Unit 4 Quiz on Thursday